Wednesday, June 27, 2012

short one tonight...

      Good Morning everybody! Is it me or is this week never gonna end? Probably because i have the entire next week of and i know im staring at a ten hour day this friday. So thats probably why its taking so darn long! So the Yankees swept the Indians today but in the process we lost Andy Petitte for about six weeks. He was the recipiant of a line drive off his anklemy decision or bet=fore and it fractured. Ugh! Well im hping for a speedy recovery and he will be back sooner than later. 
     So i have been noticing myself changing alot lately. You know the whole with age comes wisdom? Well im not saying im getting smarter but i notice i dont react as quick to certain things as i once did. Almost like i wait it out and see how things go before i make my decision or before i decide one way or another.Dont get me wrong if i feel ive been wronged or someone is trying to start something i will jump faster than,than,than okay i have nothing at this moment but its something!! I dont know its just hard to explain. Almost like the little things no longer bither me and i dont let them get to me anymore. I tend to take things as they are presented to me and go from there.
   I dont wanna say in the past ive been a hot head because that makes me sound like i have/had anger issues. But i use to react on point to situations as to now i really dont think i would. I seem to be growing up and picking my battles wiser and steering away from battles in general.  Maybe i was angry back then. It seems id have a reason to be. I would always be the first there to defend a friend but now it to me doesnt seem like the same friend cares enough to be around.So now i think i would probably let them do their own battle. Yeah yeah yeah give me shit about the "Ive got your back line" and ill say in order for that to be true they have to be there when no battles are occuring. Does this make any sense? Or am i just rambling? Either way i will continue...Life changes and people change just as much. Alot of the time a new life begins and we fail to even see it until our best friends become just another memory.
     I have created a new plan for myself and the way i have this plan worked out in my head its a one year plan. The thing is though im not sure anybody will be around after the year is up. I know im being all secreative and stuff but thats just because i have too. But itd be a big change for me and in fact it would almost be like a culture shock just without the culture part. It would be hard too. And things would have to fall into place as far as work ws concerned. Who knows maybe i will start for a month and see how it goes. Little by little things will start taking shape and they will get better. If i didnt tell myself this everyday id give up. Well ladies and gents im gonna wrap this up for the night. So thanks as always for reading my blogs. Have a good day and remember Friday is only a day away!!!

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