Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Ibgurss when it cones right down to it I'm insecure. Have a complex that I'm not good enough. No matter how great I say I am. I don't believe it. Seemingly everytime I think I'm heading towards my happiness. Finally gonna be happy and havecthe life I so covent it gets screwed up. To hear the words I just need time is like a knife to my heart even though I know you need it. I've heard it before and well needing time leads me to being alone. I'm scared to lose you because how amazing you make me feel. Nobody has ever made me feel this way so hell yeah I'm scared. I should be right? Who wouldn't be? I don't wanna be alone. I hate being alone its all ice known and its a fear that I will end up alone. Kinda stupid I suppose but its real for me. I guess I'm scared to say out loud what my mind us thinking fircfear of making it real. Like if I don't say it. It won't happen. I know its been about 2 months but in these 2 months I've never experienced the happiness that I have with you!

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