Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hall of fame?

     Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. People of all ages! as most of the world is sleeping, here i am plugging away at yet another blog. Simply because i love to write. This is becoming serious now. Dare i say..enjoyable? Yes it is! This has opened up a whole new world for me and no that wasn't a reference to the movie Aladdin. This may surprise some of you i haven't ever watch that movie. Jaws all on the floor! Here's the complete list of movies i haven't watched in alphabetical order.. Ha just kidding. Onward to the blog please.
   So tonight standing at work i was thinking of a blog to write and i have one then all of a sudden out of the cooler came a new idea. One that may exceed expectations. The Hall of Fame. Not one in particular but just the idea of them all. How does one become enshrined into this hall? I have a hall in my house does that mean I'm great? Well I'm great anyways but now I'm off track. I'm pretty sure almost every sport has a Hall of Fame. Baseball is the one i really wanna go to. What makes a player great enough/ The ability to throw a ball really far? Or to be able to hit home runs? Score goals? Win races/ Why isn't there a Hall of Fame for us "normal" people? Shouldn't a doctor go into a doctors hall for saving a life? Teachers should go into a hall just because they have to put up with a lot of stuff and still be able to teach students of all learning levels. The idea of a Hall of Fame for athletes that i cant be apart of is kind of well ludicrous! After all are the fans not the ones that pay the ticket prices and buy the merchandise? Which by the way helps pay that million dollar salary. Now don't take this as a whining blog its not. Id just like a little credit here for my years of devotion.
   So what happens when a player has one of the best careers ever and because they decided to do something stupid like , oh take steroids, to better themselves? How can we justify putting them into any type of Hall of Fame? Cheating is cheating plan and simple. This argument can go both ways and is the subject of great debate. To be completely honest I'm on the fence. How do we know who juiced? How can we test guys that are already in the Halls of Fame's but have passed away? Simple we cant. So how can it be justified to keep player X out due to his indiscretion? Now I'm not saying money should come between the integrity of any game but lets be honest here. It does. Ive said before if i had the talent to play any sport professionally and i knew i was good but not quite great and the offer came up. Id really have a hard time turning the roids down. Now judge me if you must but look at it from this point of view. Yes i love which ever sport I'm playing but i wanna get paid the big bucks. And how do we do that? Draw the crowds in. Be the man so to speak. Owners want fans in the seats  so they are gonna pay the guy that brings them in and man i wanna be that guy everybody loves.
   I'm not defending cheaters. Look at a guy like Pete Rose. One of Baseballs all time greats. He wasn't the biggest, wasn't the fastest but he had heart. And to my knowledge he didn't juice. You know what he did/ After his playing days were over he became a manager. And will never be in the Hall of Fame. Why/ He gambled on baseball. Yes like placed bets. Seriously?? He is the all time hits leader with 4,256!! They say the mark for hits is 3,000 He had 1,256 more hits than the magic number!A lifetime batting average of .303  And by the way yes he admitted to gambling. Hes just an example of a guy who, as far as we know, plated the game right and busted his butt but because he gambled, not murdered, not beat up, not dealing drugs but gambled he is banned for the Hall of Fame that show cases the best the sport has to offer. It seems as I'm just using baseball as my example and well i kind of am. Mainly because its the sport that has actually had a scandal if you will that has been made public. Other than bounty gate 2012.
     Back to being in a Hall of Fame. What makes someone qualified? One good game? Exam;e Nsacar if a driver wins a championship should he be in their Hall/ If a quarterback sets a record in a season is that hall worthy? Does it have to span over an entire career? Tonight Matt Cain pitched a perfect game should he be put in based on this one game? Yes he has a career ahead of him but what if he doesn't do anything after tonight? If a quarterback is average but leads his team to say two super bowl championships should he be in there? I'm probably about to open a can of worms with the following but here i go. How does a WWE wrestler get into their Hall of Fame? By being a champion? Hell that's no feat anymore. 6 months after a guy learns the ropes so to speak. Hes champion.. I know "WWE isn't a sport" Tell that to golfers to please. I'm a fan of wrestling have been since i was a kid. There are a couple of guys that i feel should be in the Hall of Fame but because of personal issues with the chairman they aren't. Which really sucks. I know WWE is spectacle and entertainment but it still has a Hall of Fame so I'm gonna use it. 
    Lance Armstrong is a seven time Tour De France winner. For those who don't follow or know. The Tour De France is their biggest event. Its an event spread over 3 weeks! Yes i said 3 weeks. Its a bike race that has many  grueling stages and courses. Lance has been under a cloud of controversy since he won his 7 title. Allegations of doping have tainted his name and as of right now he hasn't been found guilty of anything. He has been quoted as saying hes taking and passed over 500 drug tests. So if they finally clear his name will he be in the cycling Hall of Fame? or is the cloud of controversy too much?Time will tell. But if he is cleared he should be put in for his accomplishments.
   Thank you for taking a moment out of your busy lives to read this blog. I appreciate any comments you may have. Oh by the way the Yankees won today and are still in first place. Hello 6 game win streak. Thanks again for reading make sure you tell a friend about my blogs. :)

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