Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The outline of a goal..

So lets see what to type about tonight. I can say i feel relatively at ease right now.Almost like I'm content with things but for some strange reason it almost feels like something big is gonna happen. Not necessarily bad just something. The Yankees won again tonight and are in first place. This makes me happy.Ive really been trying to lose weight and get into a decent shape. Round is sexy but not what i want. I wish i had a workout buddy. It keep me going as long as they were committed. Plus the other issue is there aren't any local gyms. Id drive about 25 miles one way to the nearest gym. I should just join and stop putting it off with excuse after excuse. Easier said than done though.
   I have been drinking alot more water and although i have had some diet Pepsi it hasn't been like before where i was literally walking around with the bottle in my hand. And i don't know if its because of the water and less sugar when i sleep i seem to sleep sounder. Hell i don't even know if that makes any sense. It does to me though. Now if i could just figure out a way to fix my eating habits id be set, The eating is the hardest thing. I mean if i did something like say, anytime I'm hungry i go for a walk instead. Id be walking 16 hours a day! The other 8 would be at work!I need a miracle! Nah not really just need a stronger will power. Sadly the last time i was at wally world they were sold out. Just my luck Sad face. It really is so hard to watch what you eat and how much you eat. i set aside one day a week for "chowing down" and that's Sunday.
  Maybe somebody reading this has been successful at losing weight. Howd you do it? What was the hardest part?What kinda foods do you eat now as compared to then? Yeah i know no chips or chocolate or even ice cream. Well in "smart" portions but still it kinda defeats the purpose if I'm still snacking on junk foods. I need a personal trainer and a cook. That would definitely help me out. This will sound weird but since I've cut diet Pepsi out for the most part i really have felt healthier. Like cleaner so to speak. I know that doesn't make sense but its almost like I've cleaned my body out of all that crap. And although I'm still always tired its a real tired from not sleeping not a sugary kinda of dragging tired. Boy your all probably really confused now. "What the hell is he going on about?"Ive actually thought about buying workout videos like tae bo. It really would be a nice workout for rainy days or when i don't get out on the bike.Speaking of which I've been slacking. I know i know shame on me. I love riding. Its such a release of stress and its a great workout.
    I'm not a big fan of walking id much rather ride bike. I'm on my feet all day at work why would i walk? Besides riding gets me to wherever I'm going alot faster. Well i guess depending where I'm walking. On trails thatd be cool. Okay i take it back walking isn't so bad. But let me have the option and i want my bike. I mean i can get into the shape i want it just will take time and patience.As does most things in this world. Id really like to start lifting and stick to it. And become buff!!rawr!! Just kidding don't be alarmed. Another thing i really enjoy is cross country skiing. That too is great for calorie burning. Although I'm pretty sure one of my poles is broke. And not to mention theres no snow and that's the way i like it!I use to Cross country around the field down back of my place. My Dad use to watch from the window and keep track of my times. Id pretty much race myself just to see how fast i could go. So there it is a little out line if you will almost like an introduction to a goal of mine. Now i just have to get off my ass and make this happen. I can do it i just need to put forth the effort and the results will come. Maybe not in a month or even a year but they will eventually get here. Plus its a great way to blow off steam and  it ll pass time a little bit faster. I kind of am hesitant about putting this up because in 6 months if i didn't do anything i said i was gonna then I'm gonna be disappointed and eating crow. Hopefully i will do a follow up with great results! Thank you everybody for reading my latest blog. I hope you are enjoying them. I really write from my heart and i hope you can tell when you read these, Til next time stay safe and please don't feed the bears...

1 comment:

  1. I like this outline, I am glad that I'm not the only one that has some issues with will power and gym buddies. I wish we lived closer to each other so we could do the gym thing together. You scared me when you said rawr.... I'm thinking we can do this bro...
