Monday, June 25, 2012

Make-A-Wish John Cena

     Hello everybody!! I hope everybodys Monday went smoothly and I'm sure like me most of you are already counting down to Friday. I'm not really sure I'm looking forward to Friday for the simple fact i have to work nine and a half hours! On a Friday!? However not all hope is lost because next week I'm off everyday except Friday. Hmmm this Friday thing is starting to become a battle of two evils! My Monday was pretty good and too be honest Monday's don't really bother me for the simple fact i normally have all my energy at the beginning of the week so I'm raring to go!!And speaking of raring to go..On with the blog!
    So i don't know how many of you watch or even care about wrestling. Yes the sport that fakes the action. Because we all know they know how to fall and its all a plan and premeditated show. Yada yada yada and yes i said all that sarcastically. I have been a lifelong wrestling fan . And over the years I've learned it is entertainment and in some aspects its lost the sparkle to me. As a kid it was so real! They were really hitting each other. The mover really hurt and the good guy most always won. As i grew up i realized maybe it wasn't as real as i thought it was. It was for the most part planned and staged. Alot of it was different now. I'm not sure if it is because i have grown up and well realized the truth or if the willingness to call it entertainment has taken some of the luster away. Now this particular blog isn't just about wrestling i could go on for hours about the sport aspect of it. This is about a man named John Cena( big groan from the crowd) now what a minute before you all decide I'm no longer worth the read just finish this up and you'll understand where this is coming from. And maybe you still wont care but im still gonna write.
    Now i am not a follower in Cenation but at the same time i don't hate the guy. As his shirt tells me i rise above hate. I was watching raw tonight and the promo for the Make-A-Wish came on and they were talking about how last Monday John set a record and granted his 300th wish. Now i am no way,shape or form jumping on the band wagon. But I'm gonna praise John for his remarkable commitment to those children. For those who don't know Make-A-Wish is a non profit. Let me repeat non profit foundation  that grants wishes to children who are facing life threatening medical conditions. 300! That's an incredible number given the schedule Cena has on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis. He has shows every night in different cities all over the world. He has appearance obligations to live up to and here this guy takes time out of his schedule to grant wishes for these children.
    Now i know there are a lot of celebrities that do charity and I'm not knocking any of them. I'm sure they have busy schedules too but I'm writing about John because wrestling gets a bad rap in the media. As with alot of things the great things these people do tend to go unnoticed. He doesn't have to take the time out of his life to do this. He could say "no i just wrestled last night and was on a flight for 8 hours I'm tired and i wanna sleep" But he doesn't.He steps up to the plate and greets these kids with the enthusiasm that he brings to our televisions ever Monday night. Alot of celebrities have said and continue to say yeah its all about the fans and the people. But Cena shows it to those kids. The  way their little faces light up when he enters the room has to be one of the greatest feeling for John. Now i know he plays a character on raw and smack down. And his job is to draw the fans into the show and make us want more. I'm not sure any superstar has ever drawn such a mixed reaction as he does. And its not just in one city its in every city this guy goes to. Often on Mondays you can hear a chant of "Lets go Cena, Cena sucks" Like i said I'm on the fence i respect the guy for his work ethic. And i respect him even more for what hes done for these kids. Its applaud able and admirable. In a business where the job is to tell a story i think the story John Cena has written outside of the squared circle is one that will never be rewritten. He will continue to add to the wish count.I don't know him personally but I'm willing to bet its not about the number its about the kids. Its about the smile and its about knowing he made a kids life special even if for a moment. Knowing that the child's wish is to meet him out of all the other famous people in this world must be kind of overwhelming.
     Yes John Cena makes alot of money and yes John is the face good or bad of the business. In fact and this can be argued i dare say the most popular superstar in history. Love him or hate him hell maybe you don't care but respect is the word i think of when i think of him. Its awesome what hes doing for these sick children and even more awesome he is so willing to continue taking time out of his personal life to meet and greet them and make their wishes come true. We all should be so lucky to have our wishes granted. I know John Cena will never read this and he will never know me as more than a member of the WWE universe but i want to say thank you John for being a shining star in the business that has a bad rap. For  staying true to your beliefs and staying true to your fans. Ive often said John Cena is this generations Hulk Hogan. But i should correct myself John Cena is bigger than Hulk Hogan the difference? John Cena has never let the fame and fortune go to his head and for that I say Thank you Cena! Thank you Cena!

1 comment:

  1. That was pure.......awesome...... I agree with you that it's not about his character, but who he is as a person, and how he rises above hate, real or scripted, and respecting him for being true to himself, his fans and yes, even his haters.
